Global Technology Outage Frequently Asked Questions
What happened?
A cybersecurity company, CrowdStrike, who is responsible for the current global technology outage, released a software update that has created technical issues for many of their service providers. CrowdStrike is NOT a First Seacoast Bank service provider, however some of our partners do utilize CrowdStrike technology which is causing a disruption to some of our services.
Are there concerns over information security?
NO, your personal confidential information and accounts here at First Seacoast Bank are safe and secure. Safeguarding customer information remains our top priority. CrowdStrike is NOT a First Seacoast Bank service provider.
Can I access my account?
YES, at this time, online banking, mobile banking and our ATM network is accessible and functional. You may also visit your local branch during our regular business hours, however, transaction processing times are delayed so recent transactions may not be posted to your account yet nor visible in your account activity.
What if I have a loan payment, bill payment or a transfer scheduled?
Once the impacted systems from our service partners have been restored, account transactions and activity will be posted in the appropriate timeline and your account will be balanced accordingly. As your community bank, we remain here for YOU to help remedy any issues.
Other questions?
Contact our Customer Care Team during our regular business hours at 603-742-4680.